Where to Eat and Drink: A bounty of locally sourced ingredients and island specialties characterize this culinary paradise.
Ocean Organic Farm and Distillery
Where locals love to lunch and sip

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You must be of legal age in accordance with the law of your state to access this website. By entering this site you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy.
Hawaii Sea Spirits and Ocean Organic Vodka are trademarks. Ocean Organic Vodka is 40 % alcohol by volume 80 Proof, distilled from organic sugar cane. Content on this site is for those 21+ years of age and is only to be shared with those of legal drinking age. By entering this site, you agree to our
Hawaii Sea Spirits supports responsible consumption of its products.
Terms & Conditions
Welcome to Hawaii Sea Spirits’ Ocean Organic Vodka website (our “WebSite”, “Site”). If you continue to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern Hawaii Sea Spirits relationship with you in relation to this website. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website.
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